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The BioCard™ HSV-2 testing technology was initially manufactured by Bio-Diagnostics as a low-cost screening method to detect undiagnosed infections of Genital Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV-2).

It later became recommended by the CDC for confirmation of (HSV-2) referred to in the “Sexually Transmitted Infections Treatment Guidelines, 2021(referred to in its BioKit™ private label).

The development of the BioCard™ technology brought together the speed of rapid tests with an accuracy on a par or better than ELISA or CLIA systems. This enabled unrestricted sample throughput without analysers and their high associated costs, providing access to smaller clinics as well as large laboratory groups all utilising the BioCard™ technology.

  • More than 1 in 6 Americans have genital herpes, the majority are unaware, and unwittingly pass the infection on.
  • Genital herpes can be passed on through kissing, sharing towels, razors, or other personal hygiene products
  • Most people with herpes do not show symptoms and fail to test.
  • Herpes can cause painful outbreaks, and some people may experience severe complications.
  • Early detection and treatment can prevent outbreaks and reduce the risk of transmission.

The HSV-2 BioCard™ is a blood test that detects the presence of antibodies to the herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), which is the virus that causes genital herpes. This is similar to but distinct from HSV-1, a virus closely related which causes cold sores, and can also cause sores on or around the genitals. Therefore, confirming which virus is present is important.

We know that being diagnosed with HSV-2 can be difficult, but early detection and treatment can make a significant difference in your quality of life and management of the disease.

The test is typically performed in a clinical setting by healthcare professionals or at testing facilities. ensuring accurate, confirmed tests are professionally performed for this crucial diagnosis. Testing via professional healthcare facilities inherently ensures that support services and appropriate information is immediately provided to patients in an appropriate and private setting.

The HSV-2 BioCard™ technology uniquely works by detecting specific proteins, or antibodies, in a person’s blood. These are specifically produced in response to an HSV-2 infection.

The technology is highly accurate, but in the early stages of infection, each individual immune response may take some time to develop. Consequently, the markers will gradually become detectable after a few weeks or longer.

Low concentrations can be associated with infected individuals with weakened immune systems or other clinical histories which compromise immune response, and have the potential to be missed by technologies with lessor sensitivity, and in some cases these may require additional confirmation.

It’s important to note that while the HSV-2 BioCard™ can detect the presence of HSV-2 antibodies, it is not intended to determine when the infection occurred. However, it can indicate that infection occurred between a previous negative test result and a later positive, if found during regular, routine health checks.

The test detects the presence of antibodies to HSV-2 in your blood, which indicates an active or past infection.

To use the test, a very small sample is taken, and mixed with the reagents included in the kit. Once applied to the test window, a developer is added.

After just 5-10 minutes the results can be read: one spot means negative, two spots mean positive.

The test is used primarily as a screening tool or a confirmatory test to identify individuals who may be at increased risk of transmitting the virus to sexual partners. Infection can occur via no sexually related contact.

If you suspect that you or someone you know has an active outbreak of HSV-2 or any other form of herpes, it’s important to avoid close contact until the outbreak has healed and take appropriate steps to reduce the risk of transmission.

If you have concerns about HSV-2 infection or want to get tested, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider who can recommend appropriate support and treatment options based on your individual health history and risk factors.

Whilst HSV-2 (Herpes simplex virus type 2) is primarily associated with transmission through sexual contact with someone who has the infection, although less common, it is also possible to acquire the infection through non-sexual contact with an infected person, such as through sharing items like towels, razors, or other personal hygiene products.

Additionally, HSV-2 infection can occur on the lips and therefore pass during social greeting, but it is less common than HSV-1, which is the primary cause of cold sores on the lips. If a person has an active outbreak of HSV-2 on their lips or mouth, it is possible to transmit the virus through kissing, which could potentially result in transmission from adults to younger family members.

It’s important to note that many people with HSV-2 may not have symptoms or may mistake their symptoms for something else, and as a result, they may not know they are infected. This can contribute to the spread of the virus.

While antiviral medications can help manage symptoms and reduce the frequency and severity of outbreaks, there is no cure for herpes once a person is infected. Identifying the infection and taking appropriate precautions offers the most effective way to reduce the risk of infection.

Whilst it is more common in the United States than in many other countries, it is endemic to many. However, the majority of people pass on the disease without knowing they are infected, or that their sexual partner is. This is because symptoms may not be obvious, patients may be embarrassed to request the test, or a test has not been offered as a part of routine health checks which is a method to remove the embarrassment of making a specific request.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the United States, about 11.9% of people aged 14-49 years old have HSV-2, the type of herpes virus that primarily causes genital herpes. However, the prevalence of HSV-2 can vary by region and demographic factors such as age, sex, and race/ethnicity.

The prevalence of HSV-2 varies widely even within regions, and prevalence estimates are subject to limitations in data quality and methods of measurement. HSV-2 infection is generally higher in developing countries compared to developed countries. A systematic review of global HSV-2 prevalence estimates published in 2015 found that the prevalence of HSV-2 infection among adults (aged 15-49 years) in sub-Saharan Africa was the highest, at 31.5%, followed by the Americas (12.8%), Europe (9.2%), and Asia (7.3%).

  • Our HSV-2 technology is recommended by the CDC for confirmation of Genital Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2.
  • It is a simple and reliable test that can be done in any setting by an appropriate healthcare professional.
  • It provides accurate results in under 10 minutes.
  • It has a high sensitivity and specificity, meaning it can detect even low levels of the virus and avoid false positive results.
  • It is affordable and convenient, compared to traditional laboratory testing.